London Theatre Breaks
If you are looking for Cheap London Theatre Breaks or Theatre tickets for a London West End Show
- if you want to stay at a comfortable London hotel - you have found the
right place! Showstopper is a site specialising in London Theatre Breaks
and we will try and cater for all of your needs.
Latest News
Check out the Latest Theatre News by clicking on the link, including news on one of our shows closing it's doors early.
Cheapest Prices
We have sourced the best hotels at the cheapest prices - our Cheap London Theatre Breaks won't be beaten on price - we operate a best price guarantee system. Whether you want a night away or a long weekend, a cheap night or a more extravagant night, or just a place to stay before the long and arduous journey home, we're sure to find the right London Theatre Break deal for you.
No More Frustration
You will find the Showstopper website very easy to use - no more hours of frustration to make your London West End theatre break booking - we have refined our booking process so that you can make your booking in two easy stages - making the search and then choosing from your options. The Showstopper aim is to make your entire experience of booking a London west end musical or show easy simple.